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Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Pasta Dinner was a Success!

All Set and Ready to Go!

I am so proud of you for the great success that the pasta dinner was.  Everyone on our team was an important part of this!  From the table decorations to the entertainment to the restaurant staff, everything ran as smoothly as we could expect.  As I said to my ASE class, it is not just the people on the front lines that were important.  The people involved in the behind-the-scenes work equally helped us to pull this event off!
So...whether you could come to the dinner or not, just know that your hard work was appreciated.  We will let you know as soon as we can exactly how much we raised.  Yesterday we counted the change from the various fund raising stations, and we had over $400 in just that!  

Here are a few photos from the event....more to come...

The Second Shift Enjoying a Fun Moment
Our Menu

Above you can see a video of the hosts in action.  A professional job...

I will post more photos later.  I am doing this in the morning before school...and I need to start getting into my morning routine or I'll be late...
Again....a great job!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The PSAs Are Wonderful!


Mrs. Cook and I have been so pleased with how your PSA videos have come out.  Your imaginative minds have created some very professional looking products.  I am anxious for your parents to see them on Tuesday night!

I will put a few of these on the blog for you to see....the one above at first makes you think that there is a technical error..but there isn't!

We will use these PSAs to show other sixth grade classes before we begin our fund raising efforts during lunch in May.  Can you believe we have raised $12,645.48?  We are almost 2/3 of the way to our goal of $20,000.  You are truly following the Venturer motto that "one person can make a difference."

Speaking of our you notice that we now have an "uneven" amount with 48 cents added....I think we have a trickster on our hands...maybe I need to do something to make our balance have zeros in the cents column...hmmmm......

I am not going to put all of your videos on the blog simply because it takes awhile for them to load.  I am also getting an error message on a few of them for having problems uploading to the blog.  I am going to send my sister the link to the blog so that she can see these great PSAs.  She used to be a middle school social studies teacher, and I think she'll be interested in what you created.  

These are all so great...and all so different.   I will post some pictures from the pasta dinner this week...

Don't forget to check out our totals as we get closer to May 21.  Below is a link to the Relay for Life webpage for the James River High School event, as well as a youtube video that does a great job of showcasing just exactly what Relay for Life is.

CLICK HERE for the Relay for Life website

Watch a youtube video.  It was on the blog a few months ago, but it is always good to watch it again....

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Pasta Dinner Preparations are Underway!

We are working hard on making the pasta dinner a smashing success.  Check out the photos from second period today as we are working on various committees to prepare for the dinner next week!

Working on the PSA directional poster

The table decorating committee hard at work

More table decorations!

Planning our sign

Banner Painting

Table centerpiece

Fun with painting

More painting fun

The banner is coming together

Sage words of wisdom from Mrs. Cook to the host/hostess committee

The luminaria committe hard at work

Sunday, April 3, 2011

It Is Time to Post Again!

It is time to post again!  I have neglected my blog, but I think it is now time to post again as there are some great things to mention!

1.  My ASE class did a great job on the KMO competition on March 22.  You really were a great team, and I am proud of you for doing so well.  Below I've got a few links for you to check out.  One is a link of the KMO website so that you can look at the PDF which shows how our team did.  The second is a link to Swanson Middle School in Arlington, Virginia.  They were number one in the world, and I thought you might like to see their team on their school's website.

To go to the KMO website, CLICK HERE.
To go to the Swanson Middle School page, CLICK HERE.

2.  Our pasta dinner is coming together nicely!  We have just a little over a week left to prepare for it, and though we may have some things that might not go smoothly since this is our first time doing something like this, I think all will be good, mistakes and all.  We are doing this for a great cause, and I am so proud of all of you who are taking this seriously!  I will post pictures this week from all of our work in the cafeteria preparing for this event.

3.  Our Relay for Life team is doing a phenomenal job in raising funds to help fight cancer.  I cannot believe that we've already passed the $10,000 mark.  We have less than two months to go before the big event at James River.  Keep up your great fund raising efforts.  Check out the link below to go to our team page.  Read some of the personal stories that students have written.  They are very touching and sincere.  On a weekly basis, Mrs. Cook and I send Mr. Siddiqi the links to your personal pages.  He has had nothing but wonderful things to say about them.  You have impressed him, and you continue to impress us.  Keep it up!
To go to the relay website, CLICK HERE.