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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

It's May 11th!

The End is Near.....

I cannot believe that the year is almost over.  I am sitting here at my desk wondering how the year could have passed by so quickly.  It seems like yesterday that I began this blog...
I have enjoyed using the blog to keep track of what we've been doing in class and as a team.  I am not always the best photographer, but some of the pictures of this year have turned out great.  I will take lots at the Relay for Life event to include as well.  Maybe I'll even make a movie if I have time.

I am actually going to include a bit of REVO credit on the blog.  Sometimes I compose this stuff and I wonder if anyone ever really checks it.  It's okay if you don't, I know you have enough to do in your busy lives.  The blog has been a great tool for me to journal about the year.  I sometimes look back at old posts to remember some of the events and activities that we have done.

To get your REVO bonus, simply post a comment to the blog.  You have to be a follower of the blog to do this, so if you aren't, that's no big deal.  A couple of you have posted comments this year, and they are fun to read. 

We will have fun in the next couple of days getting ready for our big event at James River.  You all have impressed me so much with your dedication to our team.  It is so important to remember that one person does indeed make a difference, and when a bunch of us are doing these things together, it becomes something very awesome.

My dog died one year ago tomorrow, on May 12th.  His death was very unexpected, and was a major trauma for everyone in my family, especially my daughter.  He was the best dog ever, and was truly a member of our family.   As I was typing in the date for this blog, I thought of him, and so I thought I'd close with a picture and a memory of him.

Let's enjoy the last month of best as we can...oh, and by the my odd classes...I have an SOL story to tell will smile.  You all did great on your SOL Simulation tests today....much better than I had originally thought.  Why?
When I asked you if you wanted to hear who got 100's....I was reading from the benchmark results in February, not the simulation results from my is confusing on how it is set up..but still my mistake.  I will let you know on Friday how you all did.


  1. I'm sorry about your dog. My family went through the same thing a couple of years ago when both our dogs that were very old died. One a little bit before the other but they were both 12 and 13 years old. We were all crying for weeks and I still remember the day when the younger dog died. Also, I think that was funny that you mixed up the results of the simulation test. :) I can understand how it would be confusing.

  2. The mixed up results show how extremely busy everyone is!
    I always enjoyed school, but it will be nice to have a break. Really sorry about your dog :(
    You and Mrs. Cook have certainly done a great job organizing all of the Relay for Life fundraiser events (i.e. pasta dinner, raider review, etc.). They all went really well!

    Peter Wellman
    6th Grade
    Robious Middle School

  3. I think it's so great that when awful things happen, such as a pet or family member's death, we as humans try to find a silver lining and help fight the bad things in our world as best we can. I'm so incredibly proud of my fellow Venturers for raising so much money to help a worthy cause. I do believe we can make a difference. Actually I believe we HAVE made a difference.

  4. I am really sorry to hear about your dog.

    My dog died a few years back. His name was Chester. On the day he died my swim team swam another team named Chester.

  5. Thanks Paul and Bryson for commenting....
    It doesn't seem possible that it has been a whole year since my dog died. I still miss him.
    Paul, that's weird that your team swam the Chester team. I bet you will never forget that.
