It has certainly been a long time since I've posted on this blog. Sometimes it is good to take a break from things, and then dive back into them. I think I will start using this blog as a diary of sorts as we near our pasta dinner and our relay for life event in May.
Three things prompted me to write tonight. One, I was totally amazed today at how much money was raised by Nicholas T. and his family. I was showing my first period class this morning, and by this afternoon Nicholas has topped the $1000 mark. As I have said to all of my classes today, and I mean this with all my is not the amount you raise, but the heart and soul that you put into it. I am very proud of those of you that have joined the team and have made a commitment to work at fighting back at cancer.
Secondly, four girls in my ASE class finished their PSA and showed me, right on the heels of our jumping over $2000 in a couple of days. The video is meaningful. I've watched it a couple of times and I really like it. I have also liked the others that have been turned in too. I am displaying this one because I have it on my laptop desktop, and I brought my laptop home from school. I am hoping that I can figure out how to get the video on here!
Keep up the good work everyone. Today I caught that Venturer spirit...we are making a difference!
~Mr. McEwen