Dear 6th and 7th graders,
Well it's that time of year again when the classroom gets packed up and educational "debris" gets put away for the summer. You wouldn't believe the dust that has accumulated since September. Where does the dust come from? It's amazing how it has settled over everything in the classroom. EVERYTHING.
This year has gone by way too quickly! As you are packing up your brains for a summer rest, take the time to think back to all of the projects that we've done this year. Which ones were your favorite? We all learn in different ways, and I tried to incorporate different types of learning styles into the products that you created this year. Take a moment to vote in the polls on the side bar as to what your favorite projects were. It would be great if you could leave a comment to give me some feedback as to why you liked a certain activity. I am always looking to change things up every year.
As next week draws to a close, I'll be posting some end of the year thoughts...stay tuned.
~Mr. McEwen
I really liked all of the projects this year, I do have some favorites. I really liked the Colonies Commercial, Civil War skits, and the Native American Artifact Museum. The first two are very similar and I thought it was fun to make up funny scripts and wear hilarious costumes. The Artifact I liked because we got to beat up the item and it would be a good thing.