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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

School Officially Begins Tomorrow

Well, it is officially here.  Tomorrow is Wednesday, August 31st, and I just heard that school will begin for teachers after having Monday and Tuesday off due to hurricane Irene.  This definitely will be a weird start up.  I haven't been able to get to my classroom all summer because of the fire issues.  I am just hoping and praying that all of my teaching supplies are still there.  Evidently, they took everything out of our rooms, our filing cabinets, our cubbies and cleaned it and reboxed it.  I just hope I can find everything.  I am afraid I have probably lost past student projects and long as I get my unit binders, I will be fine.

Hopefully everyone has survived the hurricane in good shape.  I only lost power for about two hours.  I think Mrs. Cook still is without power, so I know some of you are without power too.  Lots of trees and limbs came down in my neighborhood, but no real damage luckily.

Kali is perplexed...the trail is blocked

Interesting smells

Look at the tree!

I hope you all have had great summers.  I did with going to Australia, but I unfortunately have some issues that I am dealing with concerning my foot.  It seems like I will probably need to have foot surgery sometime, but I am going to try to wait until July of next year.  It seems like my Achilles tendon is not in good shape, and I also have a bone spur on my ankle.  Do you remember how I was wearing sandals a lot last spring?  It wasn't because I was trying to be comfortable (though they were), but it was because it hurt when I wore shoes.  I was also told that I cannot run anymore...that was a shocker...depressing at first, but I went out and bought a bike!  I am using it for the background on the blog right now.  I have done some cycling in the past couple of weeks.  I wish I could ride my bike to school, but it is about 12-13 miles, which in itself isn't a big deal, but on some roads I would be putting my life in danger.  I wish I lived somewhere where everything was connected by safe bike paths...a great way to get exercise!

Tomorrow I will hopefully be able to check out my room and see if anything is missing.  Keep your fingers crossed!  I will see everyone next week.  Where has the summer gone?

~Mr. McEwen

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