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Saturday, June 9, 2012

Two Posts In One Day

My recuperation is moving along slowly.  I have actually been online and have been reading about other patients and their recovery times for the surgery that I had.  Probably not the smartest thing to do, but I have nothing BUT time.  Some people have stated that it has taken a year to get back to "normal".  I am hoping that my "normal" will come in August.

On a different note, please make sure you thank Mrs. Cook for the help she has given me since I have been absent from school.  I have thanked her and thanked her, but I would love it if you could thank her too.  She is in some ways doing two jobs, and the end of the year is crazy enough as it is.  Things that are simple to you like the auction or the REVO social studies SOL money continue because of what Mrs. Cook has done!

An example...when you go to Robious Elementary, be on your best behavior.  My role in previous years was to be the crowd control guy with the students in the back of the line as Mrs. Cook was getting things straight.  Please do not take advantage of the situation, show her that you can be responsible and mature.  Both of know that you have it in you because we have seen it in DC, at the pasta dinner, and during class.

Keep in touch...

~Mr. McEwen

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