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Sunday, September 2, 2012

Another Year!

It sure is hard to believe that another school year is upon us.  This certainly has not been a summer that I will look back on fondly.  But, as we all know, time marches on.  Time for a new year, a new beginning, new adventures!

I will use this blog to post various happenings in class and with the Venturer and Navigator teams.  I look forward to meeting my new students, and to greeting my 7th graders that already know me.

When I left for the summer, I was slated to teach two 7th grade social studies classes.  Somehow that got changed, so now I am teaching one 7th grade section of social studies and one section of 7th grade ASE. 

I am also in a new room.  Even newer than the last one I had last year...and I have windows, so I lucked out on that.

I ran across a video from the group, The Script, the other day, and when I listened to it, I thought of all of the new beginning promises we all have in September.  Make this year count, be your best.  Do you realize we raised well over $30,000 for Relay for Life?  You all were amazing last year, and I think we'll be amazing again.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to follow you through the year!!! :)

